The Top Massage Oils Without Nuts
Posted by MassageTools Staff on Nov 15th 2016
Nut allergies get more and more attention these days and it makes sense. Some people have severe allergic reactions to even the smallest nut particles. If they come in contact with nuts, the person can suffer greatly from swelling and irritation to their throat and airways closing off.
Massage professionals are aware of this. Since many massage oils come from natural ingredients, including a mixture and carrier and essential oils, some of which come from nuts, it's important that massage therapists have nut-free alternatives.
At MassageTools, we sell a number nut free products.
Our Top Choice
The best of the market is EarthLite Nut Free Massage Oil. This is a rich and moisturizing oil made of a blend of five of the finest natural cold-pressed oils, along with Vitamin E and a coconut derived skin conditioner. The skin conditioner helps the disperse ability of oil in water while the Vitamin E provides antioxidants that help with skin repair.
The main ingredients are sweet almond oil, sesame seed oil, safflower oil, grape seed oil and avocado oil, along with the Vitamin E. Sweet almond oil is a traditional alternative for people with nut allergies. The majority of nut allergies are to peanuts and tree nuts, so while almonds are a nut, they are seen as a good alternative for patients with these other kinds of nut allergies.
Why Sweet Almond Oil
Sweet almond oil is one of the most popular oils among massage therapists. It is easily absorbed but not so quickly it needs rapid reapplication. It also leaves the skin soft and satiny smooth, making it a preferred choice of clients as well.
Nut allergies can be difficult and dangerous to deal with. By choosing the right nut free allergy oil, massage therapists can know that they are taking every precaution to treat people with these dangerous allergies.