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Posted by MassageTools Staff on Nov 16th 2016

Difference Between Facial Massage and Botox

Both facial massages and Botox are common ways for people to improve the skin on and around their face, removing wrinkles and creases that show aging. While both will help, what are the differences be …

Posted by MassageTools Staff on Aug 27th 2016

Using Facial Streamers for Allergies

Allergies can make anyone miserable, but the right facial steamer can relieve your symptoms without the need for pills or shots. A facial steamer can flush out the mucous that causes coughs and clogge …

Posted by Michele Peacox on May 18th 2014

Maintain the life of your facial steamer

I felt this was very important to write about because we see so many steamers ruined that haven’t been cared for properly.The first thing is that you must use only distilled water (unless instructed o …